
Our vision is to be a disciple-making community.

We want to set up ordinary Christians to grow into mature men and women of faith, hope, and love. Scotland is in desperate need of ordinary Christians who can help fulfill the Great Commission. Our hope is to train up faithful Christians who can go out into the world and bear witness to the unique hope of the gospel. 

But our vision goes beyond training up individual Christians. We believe that the kingdom of God is best revealed in the context of community. Therefore, our aim is to grow together into a loving fellowship that can reveal something of the beauty of heaven here on earth. 

Yet, our vision is even bigger than our own fellowship. We know that a single congregation is only one small part of the global movement of the gospel. Therefore, through diligent prayer and generous giving, we also seek to partner with church plants and missionaries – both at home and abroad – in order to help extend the reach of the gospel across the world.