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Sunday Service Times

Morning: 10.30am
Evening: 6.00pm


121 Montgomery St
Edinburgh EH7 5EP

e: info@holyroodevangelical.org

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About Us

Our hope is that through worship, prayer, friendship, and service, we can grow together into the community of love that God has created us to be.

We’re a community of broken people seeking to grow in faith, hope, and love. All of us have real problems. Each of us is a work in progress. Yet, our hope is that through worship, prayer, friendship, and service, we can grow together into the community of love that God has created us to be. 

Are you looking for answers in the midst of suffering or confusion? Do you hunger to belong to a community of love and service? Are you curious to find out how Jesus Christ has changed the lives of other people just like you? If so, come and meet us. We would love to show you the path that leads to forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope.

Latest Posts

The treasures of darkness

Most of us experience periods of darkness in some form, times when life is particularly difficult, and it can be hard to see a way forward. If given the choice, I suspect that many of us would prefer to avoid dark times and the feelings that go with them. And yet, there are some things that we can only see, learn or experience when we are in the dark – the treasures of darkness.

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How to Receive a Compliment

I find that a lot of Christians (me included) are very bad at receiving compliments. Often, we are downright fearful of them. It is almost as if a compliment is a foreign and dangerous virus.

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What Does It Mean to Drink of Jesus?

Christians are often so accustomed to Biblical language that the strangeness of its metaphors is lost on us. A classic example of this is John 7:37 where Jesus says, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink”.

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