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Sunday Service Times

Morning: 10.30am
Evening: 6.00pm


121 Montgomery St
Edinburgh EH7 5EP

e: info@holyroodevangelical.org

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About Us

Our hope is that through worship, prayer, friendship, and service, we can grow together into the community of love that God has created us to be.

We’re a community of broken people seeking to grow in faith, hope, and love. All of us have real problems. Each of us is a work in progress. Yet, our hope is that through worship, prayer, friendship, and service, we can grow together into the community of love that God has created us to be. 

Are you looking for answers in the midst of suffering or confusion? Do you hunger to belong to a community of love and service? Are you curious to find out how Jesus Christ has changed the lives of other people just like you? If so, come and meet us. We would love to show you the path that leads to forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope.

Latest Posts

How to Overcome Shame and Rest in Love

Let me encourage you to reflect on this poem as you prepare for the Lord’s Table this Sunday. The message of the gospel is that of the poem: “Love bade me welcome.” Hear the voice of Jesus inviting you this Lord’s Day to lay down your shame, to detach from self-reflection, and to taste the sweetness of a food and drink that, among other things, is the voice of God whispering, “I love you.” 

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The dawn is breaking

And so how do we live? We live with hope, we live with expectancy, we live watching the rays of light break in over the hilltops, watching Christ build his kingdom amongst us. Trusting that when Christ returns in glory, the world will take on colour and shape, that safety and warmth will dispel the darkness.

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How to Listen to a Sermon

I’m trying to grow in this myself. But, perhaps we can grow together and, as we do, figure out what it means in an age of relentless distraction to listen well to the Word of God.

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