Onward in the Service of God

It’s easy for us to think that our toils amount to nothing more than the imprint of a wave on sand that is erased by the next surge. Not so, says Paul. Keep your eyes on heaven and you will see the divine eye overlooks no act of charity or kindness. Our works of service are more durable than the stars in the sky.

How to Eat Cornflakes for the Glory of God

Jesus’ communion was as clear and unbroken as sunlight on a cloudless day. In the carpenter shop, on the road, or in a boat with friends, Jesus basked in the presence of God. He and the Father were one.

Is such communion possible for us? Not perfectly, but increasingly.

Top 10 Reasons to Meditate on Gospel Truth

Does your heart feel dry and empty when you try to pray? Do you quickly run out of things to say? Intersperse meditation and prayer. When we meditate, we refill the vessel of the heart so that, turning back to prayer, our heart is filled – not just with words – but affection.

How to Receive a Compliment

I find that a lot of Christians (me included) are very bad at receiving compliments. Often, we are downright fearful of them. It is almost as if a compliment is a foreign and dangerous virus.

What Does It Mean to Drink of Jesus?

Christians are often so accustomed to Biblical language that the strangeness of its metaphors is lost on us. A classic example of this is John 7:37 where Jesus says, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink”.

Do You Realise that You’re a Missionary?

The stupendous truth is that we are commissioned in secular roles for a spiritual vocation. Our noble challenge is to take up the elements of a mundane life and to offer them as nothing less than a burnt offering to the glory of God. 

Doing More vs. Doing Better

I think most of us at Holyrood long to be able to do more missional events as a congregation. Yet, many of us are aware that resources are limited in terms of people, energy, and time. Let’s be praying that God continues to draw in new church members who have a vision and passion for local outreach. But while we wait for such prayers to be answered, let’s do something more. Let’s also look for ways to improve our shared life so that more outreach can happen – not by doing more – but by doing better.

Five Reasons to Reconsider Infant Baptism

The primary actor during baptism is not the person being baptised, but the God who is affirming past promises. Baptism is less of a sign of ‘my’ commitment to God than of God’s commitment to ‘us’. What the water of baptism symbolizes is that God will indeed do all that He has promised on behalf of His people. He will take us from death to life, cleanse us of sin, and fill us with His Mighty Spirit.

Seven Reasons to Say the Lord’s Prayer Daily

We are defined most deeply and permanently by a relationship to our Creator. God preceded us, made us, and loves us. Therefore, the only way to know ourselves is to know Him; He alone can tell us who we are.