When you need a boost

In Japan, many people use bikes to get around. People cycle to the station to catch a train to work; mothers put their children into special child seats to take them to nursery; high school students cycle to school each day; baskets on the front and back of the bike enable people to cycle to do their grocery shopping.
Doing More vs. Doing Better

I think most of us at Holyrood long to be able to do more missional events as a congregation. Yet, many of us are aware that resources are limited in terms of people, energy, and time. Let’s be praying that God continues to draw in new church members who have a vision and passion for local outreach. But while we wait for such prayers to be answered, let’s do something more. Let’s also look for ways to improve our shared life so that more outreach can happen – not by doing more – but by doing better.
Follow Daniel’s God

As I spoke to middle schoolers, I was excited to challenge them to follow Daniel’s God—to know this amazing God and look to Him for the strength they need to live with integrity in a culture full of opposition.
Five Lessons on Becoming a Missional Church

I’ll never forget a moment that happened last Thursday night. It occurred toward the end of the meal as trays of delicious and beautiful desserts were being passed around tables. There was a look on the faces of people all around the room. It said this: “Who would do this!” People were astounded by the generosity of the evening. It surpassed what was expected – perhaps what even seemed reasonable.
Such astonishment is a foretaste of grace.
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